Millie’s Kitchen

Row curve

At Millie’s our aim is to provide children with healthy, balanced meals using a wide variety of quality ingredients that are colourful, tastes good and exciting for the children. Children are offered fresh fruit and vegetables daily, milk is offered at breakfast time and at both snack times. Water is always available to the children throughout their day.

We cater for special dietary allergies, these are planned for carefully and in support with the child’s family, kitchen staff and the management team.

Staff in all our classrooms will promote healthy eating and good food choices.
Staff will respect children’s choices whilst modelling good behaviour and manners at the table.
Staff sit alongside the children during all meal times making them a sociable and enjoyable experience.

Our Borehamwood and our Shenley nursery both offer a vegetarian menu with fish.

Our Menus This Term:

Millie’s Borehamwood Menus



Our Menus This Term:

Millie’s Shenley Menus