How Millie’s Plan for Learning, Development and Fun!

Observations of children’s learning, friendships and passions of play are at the heart of our daily practice and they are an integral part of nursery life. Observing children enables us to understand and reflect the children’s needs, interests and skills. They also inform us about what the children already know.
Together this information informs staff to plan effectively for each individual child’s development, through play based learning and teacher focuses.
Millie’s Planning Cycle
Planning from observation is at the core of our teaching and learning. Staff use them to strengthen, expand and challenge children. This can be long term planning or in the moment, both value the 3 I’s; Intent, Implementation and Impact:
The 3 I’s
Intent: Learning intentions come from the curriculum, staff’s in-depth knowledge of their key children, consideration for the individual child as a learner and their stage of development.
Implementation: Learning intentions are then planned for and high-quality teaching and learning opportunities are provided.
Impact: Progress is reviewed and evaluated, this is through observation and assessment against the set target. This information is used to inform and provides practitioners with the right information to develop the next steps for the child.
In the moment planning
Alongside our planning we also embrace “In the moment planning”. It is highly important to have this aspect of learning woven into the classrooms. It provides children with great opportunities to lead their own learning.
Practitioners are skilled at recognising teachable moments and enhancing these at the time it is observed.
Themes and interests of learning
The curriculum is planned and delivered through a thematic approach, we will also use seasons and nature to inspire young minds.
Classes follow themes based on children’s arising interests, as well as short focus topics which inspire and ignite children’s fascinations, daily experiences and learning through play.
We believe in setting up play provocations, this is to invite and inspire children to explore, to spark their curiosity, to discover and expand the children’s learning.
Some of our recent themes, Dinosaurs, Me and My Family, Being Healthy, Our Favourite Books, Our World, Animals, Africa and Handa’s Surprise to share a few with you!
2 year progress review at Millie’s
All early years providers must complete a two year progress review for each child in their care.
“When a child is aged between two and three, practitioners must review their progress, and provide parents and/or carers with a short written summary of their child’s development in the prime areas. This progress check must identify the child’s strengths, and any areas where the child’s progress is less than expected. If there are significant emerging concerns, or an identified special educational need or disability, practitioners should develop a targeted plan to support the child’s future learning and development. This involves parents and/or carers and other professionals (for example, the provider’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) or health professionals) as appropriate.”
Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage
Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five
Published: 31 March 2021
Effective: 1 September 2021
At Millie’s the report is written by the child’s key person using their outstanding knowledge of the child. The report will focus on the 3 prime areas of learning with reference made to the specific as appropriate, throughout. The report is shared with parent/s via our online platform and they are given the opportunity to add to the report. We also welcome discussions with parents about any concerns that may arise about your child’s development.
Millie’s thrives on being an inclusive nursery. We value all children as individuals and endeavour to meet the needs of all.
The Leadership teams at Millie’s Shenley and at Millie’s Borehamwood are our special educational needs coordinators (SENCO), both are supported in their roles by the owner Michelle.
Before your child even joins Millie’s, we will discuss with you any concerns you have or any already diagnosed conditions and how we can work together to help your child reach their potential. We will discuss what strategies and changes may need to be put in place to support your child from the day they join.
Millie’s nursery Shenley, is in a large hall, which has no stairs, wide doors, an accessible toilet, with low sinks and an outside area which is all one level and astroturfed to allow access all year round. Our learning areas are spacious and easily adapted and accessible for all. We have adjustable furniture, so activities can be set at a required height or set on the floor on soft furnishings.
Millie’s nursery Borehamwood is a purpose-built setting, this is also on one level, some of our facilities include wide doors, an accessible toilet and outside areas which are all on one level to allow access all year round. All three classrooms, our lobby area and all of our outdoor spaces are of high specification and are thoughtfully planned to be as inclusive as we can be.
We work closely with outside agencies, for example, speech and language therapists, occupational therapy, specialist teacher teams and the local health visitor team to support, diagnose and to carry out agreed targets to support the continued needs of the child/ren. We will invite parents in to have meetings with us and the professionals involved to ensure the support is consistent at home and in the setting.
Your child will be allocated a key worker who you will be introduced to on the first day of your child’s settling in sessions. The key worker will work closely with your child to develop a trusted relationship. The key worker will carry out observations, support the child during activities and carry out any agreed targets. They will be available to discuss your child with you. The key worker will work closely with your child, the parent/s and the SENCO, to monitor and review your child’s development and progression. We will hold regular meetings to update and discuss strengths, progress, any changes in interests and to write new targets which are specific to your child’s needs. At any time, we can discuss and share strategies to manage behaviours as they arise. Some children find it more difficult to settle at nursery so we adjust our settling in process to suit the needs of each child as an individual.
Our SENCO team at Shenley, has many years experiences of working within the field of special educational needs and disabilities. Completing specialist training in Autism, social communication, sign language and other related courses. All our staff are first aid trained, this includes the administering of medications and many staff have completed courses on specialist areas of SEN, for their continued professional development.
Our SENCO team at Borehamwood, has many years of experience too, they are SENCO trained with Herts County Council and have acquired a passport training record, and most recently secured a CACHE level 2 in understanding Autism. All our staff are first aid trained, this includes the administering of medications and many staff have completed courses on specialist areas of SEN, for their continued professional development.
Millie’s have good relationships with members of external agencies and with many of the local feeder schools and will support you during these transition periods.
For more in-depth information about the support we offer at Millie’s please read our SEN policy which can be found on this website, and further SEN information is located on our welcome boards. You can obtain any further information from our managers or SENCO leaders. We are happy to answer any of your questions or concerns that you have.
For other information and support within the local community please visit the local authority’s local offer of service and provisions for children with SEND, which can be found at